Monday, May 10, 2010

ok things are not as bad as expected.

i{m still not going to milan, but i{m optimist again.

not depressed anymore.

from now on i will fight really hard not to get depressed easily.

and the sun is out, no reasons to be sad.


Friday, April 30, 2010

how to deal with bumps on the road?
when shit happens, when things are out of your control and the doors seem to suddenly close, how do you act? what do you do?

how do you recognize the moment where there is just no more motivations to keep fighting? i know people teach you to keep fighting no matter what, to fight and never surrender, never let anything put you down and mess with your dreams, but there are moments where it is really out of your hands... when it's just better to abort the operation...

have you ever felt in one of those moments? how do you act then?

recently i discovered that traveling for me to any country of the world is really fucking complicated. i cant just take a plane to anywhere in the world... i need visas to go everywhere, and i can only apply for those visas in my country.

which means that i always have to go back to colombia before traveling anywhere else in the world.

i was going to go to milan in june. agency ready and waiting for me, but no. now i cant. and this new situation kind of changes everything from now on because it's going to be the same to every fucking country i try to go to from now on.

it's really bad.

and i don't know what to do, it's really out of my hands, it's all because of really stupid migration laws and colombian discrimination.

im not a drug dealer. im a good person. i take good pictures. i have a degree... why anyone in the world want me?

saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. really sad.

and depressing.

depressed i am.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

i was thinking today...

about the days when we just lay in bed. and pop a CD in the discman,

and take the booklet out of the case.

and listen to the songs, reading the lyrics at the same time

and discovering funny things in the booklets.

i was listening to the offspring's ixnay on the hombre.

that was a cd i listened to a lot when i was a kid.

and the booklet was full of hidden figures.

when you folded the pages of it in top of other pages.

what happened to those days?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

things i wrote at work

today i found a few pieces of paper where i wrote stuff at the boring nights at work.

i decided to write them here because, even if i don't like them, i will totally forget about them if i don't write them somewhere and maybe i'll regret it later.

explanation given. i should stop doing that.

it's in spanish, so suck it. maybe i'll make translations later.


cuenta hasta diez
que cada numero sea una palabra.
luego arma una frase.
cambia el orden.
inventa un idioma.
y hablale al mundo en el.
destroza lo que odias de tu viejo mundo,
y atesora lo que amas.
make it happen!


y mientras jugaban se dieron cuenta del bollo en el que se habian metido.
abrieron los ojos y de repente a su alrededor solo se encontraron ellos.
entonces en el bosque los ruidos desvanecieron la imagen de los arboles.
estaban cada uno en un desierto y no habia oasis y no habia arena y el viento no soplaba.
el sonido ciego
sus lenguas
y nunca mas volvieron a cantar.


Y que hago
ahora que no se que hacer
y con quien
si en la distancia estas
y ya no hay nada que hacer
porque no te alcanzo
y no te veo.

nuestras manos estiradas
intentan tocarse
sentirse de nuevo
y mover la tierra
y que no haya distancia
nuestras manos.


la ventana me habla de ti.
desde la altura
mas de tres veces la distancia en la base
me habla y me dice que andas sufriendo.

ok that was all. :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

the cigarrette in his mouth tasted like dirt

dirt from oslo, he thought, for no particular reason.

as he exhaled the last puff he decided to go for a walk.

he left her in the bed. she was still asleep and fucked up. her bra and panties on.

tequila will kill me, she had said.

he had told her they were not going to have sex.

she had said yes.

it was her fault.

dirty bitches.

both of us.

Friday, April 16, 2010

my agency is sending videos of me to milan for the next season.

it would be SO amazing if i could go there... so keep your fingers crossed. hopefully the editorials ive made in the past few weeks will finally be out in the next couple of weeks so i have more exposure and they book me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

sometimes i get spontaneous happiness attacks

and i am really grateful for the things that have happened in my life

but i still want more


and i will fight until i get it.

i hope i do :)

if not, i will die.

lol i wont.

but i will be sad

so i better get them

the things i want of life